Call for Submissions: Spoon Knife 7

Submissions for Spoon Knife 7 are closed as of June 30th, 2022.

As of July 1, 2022, we are accepting submissions for Spoon Knife 8. The Spoon Knife 8 Call for Submissions is here.

Authors who have submitted pieces to Spoon Knife 7 will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the end of 2022.

Spoon Knife 7 will be published in Spring 2023.

The theme for Spoon Knife 7 is transitions. All submissions should deal in some way or another with this theme, interpreted however you choose: transitions from one way of being to another, one stage of life to another, one perspective to another, one world to another…

Preference will be given to submissions that are in some way flavored with queerness and/or neuroqueerness. These elements need not be central or explicit––we’ll consider submissions in which queerness and/or neuroqueerness are explicit themes; we’ll just as happily consider submissions in which queerness or neuroqueerness don’t show up directly at all, but subtly inform the author’s voice or aesthetic.

All submissions must be sent as Word documents (.doc or .docx files). Prose submissions (fiction and memoir) must meet the following criteria:

  • 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
  • First line of each paragraph indented.
  • No extra whitespace between paragraphs.
  • Consistent use of Oxford commas.
  • Thoroughly proofread and spell-checked.

If you’re submitting poetry, you may send up to 5 poems (please put them all in a single document). Poems should also be in 12-point Times New Roman font, but do not need to be double-spaced.

Maximum length for submissions is 10k words. Exception: you can assume this limit to be as flexible as you need it to be if you’re an author whom we’ve previously published or whose submission the editors have actively solicited.

Payment for accepted submissions will be 1 cent per word, to be sent by check near the time of the book’s release.

Spoon Knife 7 will be co-edited by Nick Walker and Mike Jung.