What’s in Spoon Knife 3?

Spoon Knife is Autonomous Press’ annual anthology of original stories by queer and/or neurodivergent authors. Spoon Knife accepts short fiction of any genre, plus memoir and the occasional poem. Each volume of Spoon Knife has a different team of editors and a different theme. The 2018 Autumn Equinox saw the publication of Spoon Knife 3: […]

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Call for Submissions: Spoon Knife 4

The Basics Submissions for Spoon Knife 4 are now closed.  Authors will be notified of their acceptance or rejection during the first half of 2019. Submissions for Spoon Knife 5: Liminal are open until December 31, 2019. See the call for submissions here. Autonomous Press seeks submissions of poetry, short fiction, and short memoir pieces […]

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