There are three paths to getting your book published with Autonomous Press.
1. Get Published in the Spoon Knife Anthology First.
We’re almost always accepting submissions for the next volume of Spoon Knife. Here’s the current open call for Spoon Knife submissions.
If you’ve been published in a volume of Spoon Knife, and you want us to consider publishing your book, just drop us an email. Begin your email by telling us what your name is and which volume(s) of Spoon Knife you were published in (and if your piece in Spoon Knife was published under a different name, be sure to also mention that). Then tell us a little bit about the book you want to submit to us, and we’ll let you know whether we’re interested and what the next steps are.
2. Personal Connection with an Autonomous Press Editor.
If you’re friends with one of the Autonomous Press editors (being friends on social media counts), feel free to reach out to that editor personally about a book you’re looking to get published.
3. Impress Us with Your Previously Published Work.
If you haven’t been published in a volume of the Spoon Knife anthology, and you haven’t been personally invited to submit by a co-owner of the press, you have one more option: send us links to your best previously-published works.
If those works impress us, and if your style seems like it might be a good fit for us, we may write back and invite you to send us your manuscript or book proposal.
This third path to publication with Autonomous Press is a good option if you write the sort of thing that wouldn’t be a proper fit for the Spoon Knife anthology––for instance, if your work is academic and/or journalistic.
Don’t Send Unsolicited Manuscripts or Proposals!
The three paths listed above are the only paths to getting us to look at your manuscript or your book proposal.
If you have not been published in Spoon Knife, have not been personally invited to submit by an Autonomous Press editor you know, and have not sent us a link to previously-published work and received an invitation in response, then please do not bother sending us a manuscript, book proposal, or query letter; you will not receive a reply.
Guidelines for Manuscripts
Completed manuscripts should be submitted as a single .doc or .docx file. No other file formats will be accepted. The manuscript must meet the following criteria:
- Indent the first line of each paragraph, and do not put any extra whitespace between paragraphs.
- Make the first page a cover page with title and author contact info.
- Number all pages.
- The entire manuscript should be thoroughly spell-checked and proofread before it comes to us (we recommend it be reviewed multiple times, by the author and by at least two other readers who have a sharp critical eye for detail, punctuation, grammar, and clarity of writing).